Higher Ground, 2021. Public art project. Documentation by Dulce Lamarca.
Higher Ground is part of Putting Green, a public engagement project disguised as a mini golf course on the Williamsburg waterfront in Brooklyn. In my hole, Higher Ground, the turf takes the shape of Manhattan in the year 2100, when climate change, if it continues unabated, will have caused a dramatic sea level rise. Around the turf, a satellite image of the flooded neighborhoods is visible under a few inches of water. Other holes were designed by Mel Chin, Paul Amenta and Blane De St. Croix, Dear Climate (Una Chaudhuri, Marina Zurkow and Blake Goble), Kim Holleman, Juanli Carrión, the Institute for Aesthletics and Tom Russotti, and the Billion Oyster Project, among others. For visiting hours and other info, click here.
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